
Ralph Lauren Outlet UK stalls were targeted with

Bogus goods seized at brighton racecourse

Regarding counterfeit goods have been confiscated in Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts UK a raid on a market at brighton racecourse.

Brighton and hove city council trading values officers assisted by sussex police took the action on monday.

Five Ralph Lauren Outlet UK stalls were targeted with items seized putting fake designer clothes, as well as, hunter wellies, sun, handbags and pirate online games, cds and video games.

Phony blu ray dvds, fake nintendo games and cds were also repossesed.

Jo player, trading hopes manager, told me: "Trading in fake goods is not a victimless crime as wish to like to believe.

"We know the www.locosounds.co.uk criminals that make and sell counterfeit goods re invest their profits in other criminal enterprises and evade the taxes everyone else have to pay.It also has a negative effect on legitimate local businesses,

The items were removed by van and are being held while enquiries are performed.

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